Getting started

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module you will be able to:

  • Define the concept of evidence-based practice
  • Describe the steps of evidence-based practice
  • Distinguish between different types and sources of evidence
  • Rank types of evidence in terms of quality in the ‘evidence hierarchy’
  • Understand the purpose of CIAP in supporting clinicians to deliver evidence-based healthcare
  • Navigate a range of resources on CIAP

Module set-up

This module is presented in 3 sections. Based on the learning outcomes, Section 1 discusses the concept of evidence-based practice, Section 2 discusses the sources of evidence, and Section 3 provides information about CIAP and the resources available. The sections can be accessed individually and links to additional materials are provided for optional in-depth learning.

Assessment and feedback options follow Section 3. Assessment is optional and unlimited attempts may be made. The pass mark is 85%. A Certificate of Achievement for the module will be generated in your browser that you can save or print for your CPD records following successful completion of the assessment. Feedback is encouraged, as this assists us to continue to develop and improve our educational program.

Additional material

Additional materials are made available in call out boxes such as this. A glossary is also included to support learners in understanding terms used in journals and other evidence-based literature.